WEB1/2/3 Quiz

Test your WEB knowledge!

Have you read throughout the whole WEB1/2/3 section? Then we invite you to take our WEB1/2/3 Quiz! See how much of the information stuck with you and which fields require a deeper understanding. This way you know you learn!

WEB1/2/3 Quiz

Test your WEB1/2/3 knowledge!

1 / 10

(Multiple Choice – One correct answer) When did the WEB1 era start and end?

2 / 10

(True or False) WEB1 websites were primarily static and read-only.

3 / 10

(Multiple Choice – Multiple correct answers) What distinguishes WEB2 from WEB1 in terms of user interaction? (Select all that apply)

4 / 10

(Multiple Choice – Multiple correct answers) Name two examples of social media platforms that emerged during the WEB2 era. (Select all that apply)

5 / 10

(Multiple Choice – Multiple correct answers) What is the defining feature of WEB3 that sets it apart from its predecessors? (Select all that apply)

6 / 10

(True or False) WEB3 addresses privacy concerns by prioritizing user control over personal data, ensuring greater privacy and security.

7 / 10

(Multiple Choice – One correct answer) Describe one advantage of WEB3 in terms of security.

8 / 10

(Multiple Choice – One correct answer) What is one advantage of WEB1 in terms of information flow?

9 / 10

(Multiple Choice – Multiple correct answers) Name disadvantages of WEB2 related to user privacy. (Select all that apply)

10 / 10

(True or False) One advantage of WEB3 is its emphasis on transparency, facilitated by blockchain technology, which ensures an open and accessible ledger of transactions, fostering trust and accountability.

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